
Firm News
Types of Car Accidents What Type of Car Accident Needs a Lawyer? Different types of vehicle accidents result in varying injuries. If you or a loved one struggle with the aftermath of a vehicle accident involving a car, bicycle, motorcycle, or semi-truck, contact an experienced car accident lawyer. A knowledgeable car accident lawyer... Read More

Speeding and Fatal Accidents When learning to drive, we know the importance of following speed limits. Yet, over the last two decades, speeding has contributed to almost one-third of all fatal accidents. In 2017, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that speeding was a primary contributor to 26 percent of fatal... Read More

T-Bone Car Accidents The National Transportation Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that nearly 8,000 people die annually from T-bone accidents. Damage sustained in a T-bone accident due to driver negligence can lead to catastrophic injuries or death. T-bone accidents increased by 20 percent over the past 20 years. These accidents account for... Read More

Motorcycle Laws What Other Drivers Need to Do to Keep You Safe In one recent year, people registered more than eight million motorcycles across the United States, an increase from about four million 15 years ago. With the number of motorcyclists doubling on the roads, so has the risk of motorcycle... Read More

If You Have an Accident in Which Someone is Injured, You Should… Serious and preventable accidents affect millions of people every year. In many cases, victims’ lives can change in an instant, and they often face significant personal and economic losses that can negatively affect them for years to come. Fortunately, people who sustain injuries in accidents that are the result... Read More

Motorcycle Helmet Laws Across the United States Although motorcycle helmets are not indestructible, there is no disputing that helmets decrease the chances of suffering a serious traumatic head or brain injury during a bicycle accident. Similarly, motorcycle accidents tend to cause serious injuries because riders do not have any outer shell or covering to protect them... Read More

Causes of Motorcycle Accidents Motorcycle accidents caused by the negligence of motor vehicle operators are a nationwide problem. In fact, according to statistics provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle accidents account for a significant number of deaths across the country every year. Motorcycle accidents lead to severe injuries and... Read More

PERSONAL INJURY CLAIMS AND CHILD SUPPORT When a court sets child support, they are not just looking at the income of both of the parents. The judge also has the legal ability to evaluate both parents’ assets. If one parent receives a large personal injury settlement, they are concerned that it could reduce the amount... Read More

How Are Wrongful Death Settlements Paid? Dealing with death is hard. But finding out your loved one’s death is the result of someone else’s negligence can be devastating. If you have recently lost a loved one due to someone’s actions or negligence, you have rights. For example, a defective space heater took the lives of... Read More

The Most Common Cause of Collisions Motor vehicle collisions occur at an alarming rate on U.S. roads. Every year, more than 6 million people get into accidents that range from minor fender benders to more serious and fatal head-on collisions. Of those, 3 million suffer injury and 2 million will live with a permanent injury... Read More

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