USS Lexington TX

USS Lexington TX

The USS Lexington, TX is an aircraft carrier that has seen a long and distinguished career in Corpus Christi, TX. Built in the early 1940s as part of the United States Navy’s effort to expand its capabilities during World War II, she served with distinction throughout the war campaign. After her wartime service, she was converted into a museum ship where visitors can learn about her amazing history. Here we will take a look at some interesting facts about this remarkable vessel and explore how it continues to make an impact today.

From its earliest days, the USS Lexington has been hailed for its impressive size and power. At 888 feet long and weighing over 27,000 tons when fully loaded with fuel and ammunition, she was one of the largest vessels ever built by any navy in the world. She carried up to 90 fighter planes on her deck—a formidable military asset in those times. In addition to being fast and powerful, she was also incredibly well-armored; several of her guns survived even after she had sunk during battle!

Today, more than seventy years since she first set sail from Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Virginia Beach, VA., the USS Lexington still stands proudly as a testament to American naval strength and ingenuity. Having become a floating museum docked off Corpus Christi Bay in Texas since 1992, thousands of people visit each year to marvel at her impressive features while learning what life aboard such a grand vessel would have been like for sailors stationed there during both peacetime and wartime operations.


The USS Lexington, known as the “Blue Ghost,” was a United States Navy aircraft carrier that served during World War II. The ship saw action in the Battle of the Coral Sea and subsequently launched air strikes against Japanese forces in April 1942. It is remembered for its vital role in defending Australia from Japanese invasion, as well as being one of only two American carriers to survive the battle. Afterward, it continued to serve until late 1945 when it was decommissioned.

Throughout its service life, Lexington had numerous upgrades and modifications made to her design, including an extra deck addition and new armament systems. Her decks were also extended by more than fifty feet, allowing her to carry up to ninety-eight aircraft at once. Additionally, she received anti-aircraft guns and radar systems which increased her combat readiness capabilities significantly. She was finally retired on November 27th, 1945 after almost four years of active duty service.

Launching And Commissioning

Nevertheless, the USS Lexington TX was not done being built. It had to be launched and commissioned before it could take part in naval operations. On October 14th, 1943 the USS Lexington TX was ceremoniously christened with a bottle of champagne at Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company:

  1. The ship’s sponsor, Mrs. Theodore G. Ellyson smashed a bottle on the bow as part of the traditional launch ceremony
  2. The christening marked an important milestone for both the Navy and its new carrier
  3. The USS Lexington TX moved from dry dock into the James River afterwards
  4. She then began her shakedown cruise off Puerto Rico while undergoing sea trials

The USS Lexington TX was officially commissioned by Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox on February 17th, 1943 in Norfolk Virginia under command of Rear Admiral Alfred M Glancy III USN. This event marked another remarkable achievement for all involved parties—from those who worked hard during construction to those who provided resources and support throughout this process. Today, we can still recognize their vital contributions that made such an amazing feat possible more than 70 years ago.

Design And Specifications

The USS Lexington was a powerful aircraft carrier that served in the United States Navy during World War II. Built with an impressive displacement of 33,000 tons and measuring 888 feet long, this vessel was one of the largest carriers ever made. The ship had two steam turbines powering four propellers, allowing it to travel at up to 35 knots.

Feature Details
Length 888 ft (271 m)
Displacement 33,000 tons
Speed 35 knots (65 km/h; 40 mph)

The ship’s design included nine decks and could store up to 90 aircraft. It also featured extensive anti-aircraft weaponry, including 16 5-inch guns, 32 Bofors 40 mm cannons, 48 20mm Oerlikon cannons and over 200 machine guns for self-defense against enemy planes. Furthermore, the Lexington carried 15 torpedo tubes which allowed her to launch torpedoes from both sides of its hull. She also had several layers of armor plating protecting her vital components from damage inflicted by bombs or shells.

In short, the USS Lexington was an incredibly powerful warship that served honorably in WW2 and saw many crucial engagements. Her imposing size coupled with her formidable armaments made her an awe-inspiring sight on the open seas as she sailed into battle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Current Status Of The Uss Lexington Tx?

The USS Lexington is a decommissioned aircraft carrier that has been moored in Corpus Christi Bay for almost 40 years. It was first commissioned in 1943, and served as part of the US Navy’s Pacific Fleet until 1991 when it was retired from active duty. Today, the USS Lexington serves primarily as a museum ship, welcoming visitors to explore its history and view its many artifacts.

In addition to being a tourist attraction, there have also been efforts made over the past few decades to restore parts of the ship so that they are functional again. This includes restoring engines, electrical systems and other components using parts found on board or sourced elsewhere. These efforts have allowed the USS Lexington to continue functioning as an important piece of American naval heritage. Despite these restoration projects, however, much of the vessel remains out-of-service due to age and wear-and-tear. The USS Lexington will likely remain in this state for some time yet; although significant progress has already been made towards preserving it for future generations.

What Role Did The Uss Lexington Tx Play In World War Ii?

The USS Lexington (TX) played a significant role during World War II. It was one of the first aircraft carriers commissioned by the US Navy, and it saw action in many major battles throughout the war’s duration. It participated in several crucial engagements such as the Battle of Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway, contributing to Allied victory over Japan. The ship also served as a launching platform for air strikes against Japanese forces in the Pacific Theater.

Throughout its service, the USS Lexington earned nine battle stars for participating in various campaigns across both theaters: Atlantic and Pacific. These included operations like Operation Torch, which helped secure Allied control over North Africa; Operation Leader, which launched airstrikes on Nazi-occupied Norway; and Operation Forager, which secured US control of Guam and Saipan. In addition to these missions, the ship also provided support during invasions at Okinawa and Iwo Jima.

To summarize its contributions to WWII:

  • The USS Lexington TX was an important part of several key naval battles that led to Allied victory over Japan
  • It earned 9 battle stars while serving in both theaters – Atlantic & Pacific
  • Operations conducted by this vessel included Torch, Leader & Forager
  • Its services were instrumental in securing US control over territories such as North Africa, Norway, Guam & Saipan

How Many Crew Members Were On Board The Uss Lexington Tx?

The USS Lexington TX was a behemoth of the seas, and it had an equally gargantuan crew compliment. Onboard this World War II-era vessel were over 2,000 brave souls who dedicated their lives to protecting freedom and democracy around the world. It is impossible to measure the courage of those men and women that served on board the USS Lexington TX during WWII.

Though its exact role in WWII cannot be determined due to classified information, what we do know is that there were an incredible amount of people onboard during its service. The sheer number of sailors who served on board gives testament to just how vital this ship was for American security. Each one of these individuals played a crucial part in keeping our nation safe from harm’s way, and many even gave their lives in defense of our country.

Today, the legacy of the USS Lexington TX continues as a reminder of all those who sacrificed so much for us. We owe them an unpayable debt, but by recognizing their efforts we can ensure they are never forgotten nor go unrecognized.

What Is The Size Of The Uss Lexington Tx?

The USS Lexington TX is a significant part of the United States Navy’s history. The size of the ship is impressive and worthy of admiration. It measures 888 feet in length with a beam of 105 feet, making it an imposing sight on the ocean.

In terms of its armament, this aircraft carrier was equipped with four dual-purpose 5″/38 caliber guns, two twin 40mm anti-aircraft guns, one single 20mm gun and 68 other weapons to protect itself while at sea. Its crew complement consisted of 3,448 personnel that included officers, sailors and airmen from all branches of the U.S. military services. With so many crew members aboard such a large vessel, there must have been strict adherence to safety protocols and order amongst them all for successful operations during wartime or peacekeeping missions.

The USS Lexington TX has seen action in some important conflicts over its service lifetime beginning in 1943 when she took part in actions against enemy forces during World War II until her decommissioning in 1991 after serving honorably through multiple engagements during both war and peacetime operations throughout its existence. This storied warship continues to remind us today about our country’s proud naval heritage as well as its commitment to protecting freedom around the globe.

What Is The Maximum Speed Of The Uss Lexington Tx?

Ah, the USS Lexington TX! It’s a humongous ship that has been known to sail past many obstacles at unprecedented speeds. But what is this mysterious maximum speed it can attain? Forget about your need for speed – if you’re looking for something faster than lightning itself, then look no further than the USS Lexington TX. This gargantuan vessel of wonder and awe is capable of reaching top speeds in excess of 30 knots (or just over 34 mph). That means it can cover an impressive amount of ground in a short period of time, making it one of the most powerful ships on the planet. But don’t take our word for it: countless sailors have experienced first-hand the power and majesty of this amazing vessel as they’ve sailed away from danger or towards their next adventure. With its incredible size and speed capabilities, there’s no limit to where the USS Lexington TX could take you – so why not find out today?


The USS Lexington TX is a symbol of the courage, ingenuity and strength demonstrated by our armed forces during World War II. Although it’s now resting at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, its legacy still lives on in all who were part of her mission.

At nearly 800 feet long with a crew of around 2,900 men and women onboard, this aircraft carrier was one of the largest vessels to ever sail the seas. Its maximum speed was an impressive 33 knots — faster than many ships today — allowing it to outrun most enemies that crossed its path.

However, despite its size and power, the USS Lexington ultimately fell victim to Japanese torpedoes during the Battle of Coral Sea in 1942. It sank within 15 minutes, taking 216 brave souls along with it into their watery grave. Even though she never returned home from battle, we will never forget those who gave their all while serving aboard her decks – they are truly heroes who embody what this nation stands for: resilience and perseverance against all odds.

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