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Different Types Of Damages In Personal Injury Cases Injuries that are due to someone else’s negligence can hinder your ability to earn money and live your life how you usually would have. Personal injury cases are a means to get compensated. After an injury, you may have medical bills and doctor’s appointments that take you away from... Read More
Getting The Police Report After An Accident Get it in writing. After you are in a car accident, you need to document as much as possible. The more documentation you can provide your attorney, the better position he will be in to fight your case. If it is safe to do so, you can take pictures... Read More
What If The Insurance Company Makes Me An Offer? Start looking at insurance companies differently: think of them as a business. If you have watched any amount of television recently, you’ve likely noticed how many commercials there are for insurance companies. They are a business based on premiums—and paying out less than they take in. There is nothing... Read More
What To Do After a Motorcycle Accident There’s nothing like the feeling that comes from riding a motorcycle. The experience of riding along the open road is relaxing, enjoyable, and thrilling—but it can end abruptly when other drivers fail to share the road adequately with motorcycle riders. The lack of protection for motorcycle riders increases the... Read More
Fire at the Intercontinental Terminals in Deer Park, Texas A fire at the Intercontinental Terminals broke out in Deer Park, TX roughly 15 miles southeast of Houston. Eight tanks have succumbed to overwhelming flames. Though two of the tanks were empty, six contained flammable components of gasoline and materials often used in glues, paint thinner, and nail polish.... Read More
Speeding and Fatal Accidents When learning to drive, we know the importance of following speed limits. Yet, over the last two decades, speeding has contributed to almost one-third of all fatal accidents. In 2017, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that speeding was a primary contributor to 26 percent of fatal... Read More
T-Bone Car Accidents The National Transportation Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that nearly 8,000 people die annually from T-bone accidents. Damage sustained in a T-bone accident due to driver negligence can lead to catastrophic injuries or death. T-bone accidents increased by 20 percent over the past 20 years. These accidents account for... Read More
Texas Oilfield Explosions Texas is one of the leading states in the United States in the oil and gas industry, providing thousands of job opportunities for people all across the state. However, the oil and gas boom in Texas, comes with the significant risk of injury while at work that may need... Read More
Dangers of the Texas oilfield According to a CDC report, the rate for fatalities during the US oil and gas boom between 2003 and 2013 when the workforce for the oil and gas extraction industry doubled in size significantly decreased by 36.3%. However, the number of work-related fatalities in the oil and gas extraction... Read More
Burns injuries from Texas oilfield explosions An oilfield explosion is a very serious accident that can result in a number of major injuries including burns. Burns can be grouped into electrical burns, chemical burns, and thermal burns — this occurs when one comes in contact with open flames, hot liquids, and other heat source. It... Read More

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