The Patel Firm PLLC gives away shoes for Christmas to kids in the Coastal Bend At the 1st annual Patel Firm PLLC’s Holiday Shoe Giveaway, Minesh Patel and his firm, The Patel Firm PLLC, gifted 50 pairs of new shoes to kids around the Coastal Bend. When asked why he wanted to give shoes to kids in the Coastal Bend, Mr. Patel’s answer was... Read More
SHOULD I GET AN INJURY ATTORNEY AFTER A CAR ACCIDENT? If you’ve ever been in a car accident, whether it’s an accident with a car, an accident with a company vehicle or an 18-wheeler wreck, auto insurance companies never make it easy. If you have been injured after a car accident, they will try to make it as hard... Read More
I GOT IN A CAR ACCIDENT AND MY BACK HURTS, MY BODY HURTS. SHOULD I VISIT A CHIROPRACTOR? Whenever clients call after a car crash, an 18-wheeler wreck or a company vehicle accident, a common concern is how to deal with lingering pain and soreness. Your upper back and lower back may be tight or sore, or even worse, you may be experiencing tingling or numbness traveling... Read More
DO I HAVE TO PAY TAXES ON MY CAR WRECK SETTLEMENT? So you were able to settle your case. Congratulations! You are feeling a sense of relief and satisfaction, and you are planning your next steps. This informational blog provides valuable information that may be useful if you are considering a personal injury settlement. Q: Do I have to pay... Read More
UNDERSTANDING INSURANCE POLICY LIMITS AFTER A CAR WRECK Understanding Insurance Policy Limits After a Car Wreck If you were recently involved in a car crash and are having trouble understanding all the numbers and policy information the insurance company and attorney are explaining, this blog should come in handy. Every state has minimum limits of insurance it... Read More
I WAS HIT BY SOMEONE IN A CAR CRASH WHO DOESN’T HAVE INSURANCE “I WAS HIT BY SOMEONE IN A CAR CRASH WHO DOESN’T HAVE INSURANCE.” Now what? Recently in a car wreck with someone who doesn’t have car insurance? If you have been through an unfortunate event like this, you know the stress it can cause in your life. Simply put,... Read More
HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO MAKE A CLAIM AFTER AN ACCIDENT? “How long do I have to make a claim after a Texas car accident?” Well, the short answer is, it depends on where you were when you were injured. The time limit you have to resolve a claim or file a lawsuit after an injury is known as the... Read More
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