Category: Auto Accident

Who May Be Liable for a Austin Accident Caused by a Medical Emergency? If someone else’s negligence causes you to be injured in an accident, the path forward toward your fullest recovery involves you seeking compensation for the losses you’ve suffered, a challenging process in the best of times. If the at-fault party – and, by extension, their insurance company – claims... Read More
Can I Pursue Compensation for an Austin Accident if My Driver’s License is Expired? While every motorist throughout the State of Texas is required to have a valid driver’s license in order to drive his or her vehicle legally, this has no bearing on the accident claim if another driver’s negligence causes him or her to be injured in a car accident. If... Read More
Can I Still File an Injury Claim if I Was Not Wearing a Seat Belt in Austin? Motorists and car occupants are required to wear seat belts throughout the State of Texas. This is a law that is intended to help make our roadways safer for all who travel on them. If, however, you are injured by another motorist’s negligence, the fact that you were not... Read More
Determining Liability for an Austin Accident Involving a Broken-Down Vehicle A car crash involving a broken-down vehicle can pose a danger and risk to everyone involved, including the drivers and others sharing the road. In Texas, broken-down vehicle accidents commonly occur on the shoulder or roadside of a highway or interstate. For example, if another driver’s car is overheating—then... Read More
What Victims of Austin Road Rage Crashes Need to Know Road rage and aggression on the road are on the rise. In fact, drivers are likely to face daily road rage or behavior associated with angry driving in some way. Almost 80% of drivers show significant aggression while driving at least once in the previous month. Being a victim... Read More
Can I Recover Compensation for a Single-Vehicle Accident in Austin, TX? Car accidents commonly involve two or more vehicles hitting each other. However, car crashes involving a single vehicle are just as common. In many cases, these accidents are the result of issues like defective vehicle parts or poorly maintained roads, often entitling victims to compensation for their losses. These... Read More
Who May Be Liable for an Austin Accident Involving a Borrowed Car? Accidents can happen anywhere, anytime, and when you least expect them. For example, you may be borrowing the car of a friend or simply driving a rental vehicle for a short trip. Despite how careful and diligent of a driver you may be, accidents happen and often by no... Read More
Can an Austin Driver Be Held Liable for a Crash Caused by a Poorly Maintained Vehicle? Crashes caused by a poorly maintained vehicle can be a major contributing factor to a car accident. According to data from the U.S. Department of Transportation, damaged brakes and worn tires are among the frequent causes of poor vehicle maintenance car crashes. Most concerning is that vehicle failures due... Read More
Can I Pursue Compensation for an Austin Accident Caused by a Drugged Driver? As you know, driving on the road can be unpredictable, especially when you come across a driver who may be intoxicated. Oftentimes, taking your measures to safeguard from drunk or drugged drivers, such as calling the police or wearing a seatbelt, may not be enough to guard yourself against... Read More
Health Insurance Vs. Personal Injury Protection Insurance After a Austin Car Crash In 2020, 12,107 serious injury crashes occurred in Texas, with 14,656 people sustaining serious injuries. The impact after a car accident can be serious and costly. For example, you may suffer injuries and lost wages due to not being able to work, growing medical bills because of the cost... Read More

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