Firm News

Dealing With A Hospital Lien After A Car Accident

Car Accident? Hospital Lien?

If you were recently in a car accident in Corpus Christi, or any other city in Texas, it is likely you went to the hospital. If you don’t have health insurance, you have likely received something in the mail from the hospital or third party, notifying you of a hospital lien. In Texas, a hospital can file a lien for any medical treatment received at its facilities within the first 72 hours, following a car accident.

Texas Property Code Section 55.002(a) states as follows:

A hospital has a lien on a cause of action or claim of an individual who receives hospital services for injuries caused by an accident that is attributed to the negligence of another person. For the lien to attach, the individual must be admitted to a hospital not later than 72 hours after the accident.

So long story short, if you went to the hospital within 3 days of your car accident and didn’t have health insurance, it is likely the hospital filed a lien against you with the county where you received the medical treatment. These liens if remained unpaid, can negatively affect your financial future. If you receive a hospital lien, a personal injury attorney at The Patel Firm PLLC can negotiate that lien with the hospital, and often times have the lien amount reduced significantly so any settlement funds that are recovered are not exhausted on an unreasonably priced hospital bill. Until the lien is satisfied, the hospital will maintain an interest in your settlement funds from the car accident, so it is important to speak to an injury attorney as soon as possible after a car wreck.

Things a personal injury attorney can do for you if you have a hospital lien:

1) Negotiate the highest settlement amount possible after a car accident.

2) Reduce your hospital lien as much as possible to maximize the amount of cash you take home.

3) Make sure the lien is properly lifted by the county, so it does not affect your credit moving forward.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident in Corpus Christi, or any other city in the State of Texas, contact The Patel Firm PLLC immediately for a free and confidential consultation. Don’t let hospital liens go unaddressed. Don’t let the other party get away with injuring your and leaving you high and dry with medical bills. Call us today. 24/7/365, someone at The Patel Firm PLLC is ready and waiting to take your call. Contact us today.

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