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What You Need To Know About Dog Bite Injuries

What You Need To Know About Dog Bite Injuries

Aggressive and territorial dogs can be extremely unsafe to be around, especially if you happen to let your guard down. If you find yourself on the receiving end of a nasty dog bite, it’s good to understand the types of injuries that may occur. This is an informative guide on what you need to know about dog bite injuries. Regardless of the severity of the bite, we recommend seeking out medical attention if you do get bitten, and then contact a dog bite attorney that can secure the compensation you deserve.

Rabies and Infections

Most people worry about getting rabies after a dog bite. Luckily, it is an uncommon occurrence—at least in the United States. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the risk seriously. After a dog bite, it is important to seek medical attention and be tested for all infections. A person infected with rabies can kill an uninfected person if they don’t seek treatment, so get yourself checked out.

You are more likely to get a standard infection from a bite due to the bacteria in a dog’s mouth or any bacteria that was on your skin before the bite. Make sure to keep the wound clean to avoid any complications.

Permanent Scarring & Nerve Damage

Many dog bites heal over time, but some can be so damaging that they never heal properly. This can leave a dog bite victim with permanent scarring and nerve damage. A skin graft may be able to repair the scarring, though this is often a costly procedure.

If your wounds are deep enough to cause permanent scarring, there is a good chance that they caused some nerve damage as well. Most will probably be temporary, but permanent nerve damage is still a possibility. It can cause numbing or temporary loss of function in that body part, but in extreme cases of permanent nerve damage, it can also cause paralysis that will last forever.

If you have suffered a dog bite that has caused permanent scarring or nerve damage, it is important to get in touch with the best dog bite lawyers near you so that you can pursue a legal course of action to compensate yourself for the costs. Reach out to our dog bite injuries lawyer at The Patel Firm if you’d like to explore what legal options you have.

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