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Where do slip and fall accidents commonly occur?

Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. However, they occur more often in some locations than others. You should know that the location of your slip and fall accident will have some impact on how you will go about pursuing compensation for your damages and injuries. It is therefore essential that you contact an experienced personal injury attorney to protect your rights and interests. If you would like to learn more about what premise liability is, and how it can affect your slip and fall matter, click here.  

Common Locations Where Slip and Fall Accidents Frequently Occur

Restaurants and Hotels: It is important that you immediately inform the hotel or restaurant about your slip and fall accident. Most times, an employee with have you fill out a written incident report for the business’s record. Hiring an attorney that specializes in slip and fall accidents will know the initial steps to take in preserving as much evidence as possible.  If you fell at a restaurant in Corpus Christi, contact us now.

Grocery stores: Slip and fall accidents are very common in grocery stores. A customer can easily spill fluids on the floor and if care is not taken, it can cause slip and fall accident for other patrons of the store. Proving responsibility in this scenario can be difficult, but with the help of a Corpus Christi personal injury lawyer, video evidence can be recovered to determine responsibility. If you have been injured after falling at a grocery store in Corpus Christi, contact a Corpus Christi injury lawyer now.

Rented homes: Slip and fall accidents in a rented home or apartment can be due to the negligence of the landlord, tenant and in some cases, the combination of the two. Apartment complexes have a duty to keep their tenants and visitors safe while on the property. Rented homes should have renter’s insurance which covers damages from an injury on the property. If you were injured after at a rented home, apartment, or condo, contact an injury lawyer in Corpus Christi now.

Private homes: People are often reluctant to seek compensation when they slip and fall in a private home, especially if the homeowner is a friend or of relation. An injury claim made against a homeowner for a slip and fall accident is dealt with between the homeowner’s insurance company and the injury attorney, not the owner themselves.

Public spaces: Slip and fall accidents that occur in sidewalks, parking lots or other public places are usually more complex than accidents on private property. Public property accidents may involve a government entity, and you have to prove that the entity failed in their duty to provide a safe environment. A good step to take after an accident on public property is to take photographs immediately after the incident of the unsafe area. If you have fallen and injured yourself on public property, contact an injury attorney in Corpus Christi now.

Contact a Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer in Corpus Christi

If you or a loved one have been injured in a slip and fall accident in Corpus Christi, contact an experienced slip and fall accident lawyer at The Patel Firm PLLC today. No matter the severity of your injury, we’ll give your case the attention it deserves and informs you of all options available to you. The Patel Firm’s principal personal injury law office is in Corpus Christi, but we serve the entire State of Texas.

Speak to a Corpus Christi slip and fall accident attorney at The Patel Firm PLLC today to discuss your options. You can call or email a Corpus Christi accident attorney at The Patel Firm PLLC at any time. 24/7/365, a Corpus Christi accident attorney is ready and waiting to speak with you. Reach out to us today by calling us at (361) 400-2036.

*This blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended to, and should not be construed as legal advice.

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